ELO-P Fireside Chat with Elevo, Michael Funk & Palmdale School District Watch Video

My Journey with Elevo: From Coach to Multimedia Creator

The Growing With Elevo series features mission-driven people from across our organization sharing their stories and growth experiences as they strive to make a positive impact for the students we serve every day. This month, Multimedia Creator Kris Washington speaks on the many chapters in his Elevo journey and how it led him to become […]

Seasonal Changes: How Shifts in Weather Impact Students

The changing seasons bring a wealth of transformations, including cool breezes after long summer days, the beautiful changing colors of foliage, and the festive chill of winter. These environmental shifts also impact our daily lives, including those of students navigating their academics and extracurricular activities. Seasonal changes do more than alter the landscape—they influence students’ […]

In-School Programs: Spotlight On Elevo School Day

At Elevo, we understand the power of structured play time for students. We created Elevo School Day to support students and educators alike, during recess, lunch, and PLC or professional development release time, creating time for teachers to refocus. Here’s everything you need to know about our staffing support solution. What is Elevo School Day? […]

Getting Into the Community: Celebrating the Opening of Our Salinas Office

For almost 20 years, Elevo has been committed to making a big impact on the schools we serve. From the partnerships we build with districts to the students we take pride in working with every day, we are incredibly grateful to have a stake in communities across the state. On September 19, 2024, we officially […]

Passion and Dedication: Supporting School Districts Through My Journey at Elevo

The Growing With Elevo series features mission-driven people from across our organization sharing their stories and growth experiences as they strive to make a positive impact for the students we serve every day. This month, Director of Operations Dee Ford tells the story of why this work means so much to her, and how she […]

Hitting the Books: New Study Habits For the New School Year

The new school year is officially here, full of possibilities and the chance for students to step into the best version of themselves with a growth mindset. Building good study habits early can make a big difference in their success, both in the classroom and beyond. Establishing routines, staying organized, and learning how and when […]

Bringing You More for 2024: Here’s What’s New This School Year

With the school year in full swing, now is the time to celebrate new beginnings. Students are transitioning to new grades, district administrators are locking in their ELO-P partners, and educators are prepping for the year ahead. And, we’re celebrating some new beginnings of our own. Elevo Expanded Learning is bringing you more for 2024! […]

When Burnout Strikes: Supporting Educators Through Trying Times

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted nearly every aspect of education. Educators across the world had to quickly pivot to virtual learning, reimagine their classrooms, and support students through unprecedented challenges. As schools and educators adjusted to this new reality, the demands on teachers increased exponentially. Now, in the wake of the pandemic, educator burnout has become […]

Moving On Up: Prioritizing Mental Wellness as Students Transition to a New Grade

With a new school year comes a new grade for many students. It’s no secret that some can find this change to be a bit overwhelming, resulting in a mix of excitement, optimism, curiosity, and anxiety. Whether it’s a move from elementary to middle school, middle to high school, or advancing within the same school, […]

5 Ways to Help Students Navigate Back-To-School Anxiety

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year? My Tale of the Back to School Blues In the story of my childhood, there are two protagonists in the “Back to School” chapter: Jenny and Krissy. These polar opposite sisters shared DNA, gender, race, ethnicity, and homelife, yet they lived very different realities- in particular when […]