ELO-P Fireside Chat with Elevo, Michael Funk & Palmdale School District Watch Video
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& results

Throughout the course of our program, our goal is for your students to practice and gain proficiency in a range of new SEL skills.

Value proposition

Our promise
to you

  • Equip students with skills to better manage and express their emotions and socialize with their peers
  • A diverse group of near-peer coaches are trained in SEL based curriculum through physical activities
  • Students get active and moving, after a year of pandemic induced rise in obesity
  • Maximum flexibility to take on various staff support roles; classroom assistance, tutoring support, lunch recess and more
  • A strong partnership with local colleges enables plentiful staffing of coaches from local communities who can foster an ongoing education culture
Value proposition

Elevo curriculum

  • Inclusive, age-appropriate activities & discussion
  • In person & digital version 
  • Consultants inc. Kelly McGonigal
    (Stanford University) & Bob Pangrazi (PE consultant)
  • Member of the CASEL Advisory Council
  • Aligned with California PE & Health Standards
  • Created alongside  County Office of Education PE Consultants
  • WASC-accredited lesson plans
Girls laughing
Value proposition


Value proposition

& Training

Our coaches come from all walks of life and are recruited from local universities and their communities, are W-2 Employees and fully vetted by Elevo, including live scan.

Elevo coach training includes:

  • CASEL competencies & SEL/PE curriculum
  • Student engagement & group management
  • Health and safety
  • In-person field training & virtual training 
  • Continuous training & evaluations, using data collected on an ongoing basis
  • Onboarding meetings with site leadership &
    school administrators

A trusted partner

Through interactive social activities, our experienced coaches are committed to making learning fun, engaging, and inclusive.

Satisfied & supported teachers

Positive role models for students


Academic & behavioural

testimonials & insights

"Elevo is a perfect fit for three key policy priorities of the state and national stimulus funds: SEL, mental wellbeing, and expanded learning. I enthusiastically give Elevo a two thumbs up"

Jack O’Connell
Two-Time State Superintendent

Jack O'Connell

District Staff & Partners

To book a meeting with a Director of District Partnerships, please select your school county below.

Meetings are not intended for prospective coaches. If you’re interested in working for us, please click here to visit our Careers page to view our current job openings.