ELO-P Fireside Chat with Elevo, Michael Funk & Palmdale School District Watch Video

A World of Inclusion: Celebrating Cultural Awareness in the Classroom

One of our biggest priorities is creating an inclusive learning environment to serve all students. Safety, trust, and belonging are a huge part of our approach, and promoting cultural awareness during our sessions is a large part of how we get there. Cultural awareness in the classroom goes beyond simply understanding that everyone is different; […]

Reclaiming Lost Learning Time: How Can We Make Up For It?

In the wake of the pandemic, many educators, parents, and policymakers across the nation have become increasingly concerned with the concept of lost learning time. With schools going online, students faced unprecedented challenges in keeping up with their education, resulting in a slowdown of progress. As we slowly emerge from the crisis, educators and students […]

CTE (Career Technical Education) and My Future Self

Para español desplácese hacia abajo.   Our middle school students have some big decisions ahead of them as they enter high school and begin thinking about their place in the world. Unit 7 of our expanded learning program, called My Future Self, serves as a map, guiding them to future endeavors. Our students are a […]

Our Approach: Where the Whole Child Matters Most

Para español desplácese hacia abajo.   Today’s learners are multi-faceted, bringing their whole selves into the classroom day to day. For programs like ours, we understand the need to approach student learning through a whole child lens. This framework emphasizes nurturing all aspects of a student’s development and overall health. Children’s success in school is […]

Curriculum Spotlight: EQ

Para español desplácese hacia abajo. This year, we’re putting the spotlight on our curriculum modules and programs that transform the well-being of students, so they look forward to coming to school. In honor of SEL Week earlier this month, we’re spotlighting EQ, our “Emotionally Intelligent,” SEL-infused physical fitness and activity module.    What is EQ? […]

Summer Program Planning for Districts: Tips and Resources

Does your school or district have a plan for expanded learning this summer? We sat down with Logan Arnold, our C&T Director of Curriculum: Academic Well-Being, to share just a few of the reasons why you should consider spending the summer with us. Participation in summer programs has emerged as a key factor in promoting […]

Incorporating Core Practices into Lesson Design

Para español desplácese hacia abajo.   In alignment with the Elevo mission, the five Core Practices have been strategically integrated in our Enrichment lessons, along with social-emotional learning (SEL) best practices to uphold the holistic well-being of all students.   Our Warm Welcome and Community Circle are designed to foster a sense of camaraderie, safety, […]

When After-School Meets STEAM: How to Ignite Student Creativity

As education continues to evolve, we’re beginning to see a rise in STEAM, a framework that incorporates arts into traditional STEM disciplines. This holistic approach to learning helps students appreciate the value of creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and innovation. When STEAM is integrated into after-school. Let’s dive into how this framework benefits students and how […]

Curriculum Spotlight: Elevo Sport

Para español desplácese hacia abajo. This year, we’re putting the spotlight on our curriculum modules and programs that transform the well-being of students, so they look forward to coming to school. This month, we’re featuring Enrichment, our blend of thematic activities, 21st Century skills, and homework coaching.   What is Elevo Sport? Sport is our […]

Ending on a Great Note with Optimistic Closures

Para español desplácese hacia abajo. At Elevo, everything we do is built around our Five Core Practices. From a Warm Welcome to an Optimistic Closure, Elevo coaches are trained in these practices, which support the development of the whole child and create safe and supportive learning environments. Our approach focuses on strengthening students’ physical, mental, […]