Elevo Community Circles: Fostering Intentional Conversations
Para español desplácese hacia abajo. At Elevo, everything we do is built around our Five Core Practices. From a Warm Welcome to an Optimistic Closure, Elevo coaches are trained in these practices, which support the development of the whole child and create safe and supportive learning environments. Our approach focuses on strengthening students’ physical, […]
Emotional Intelligence: The Powerful Key to Success and Well-Being
Today’s world is fast-paced, relying heavily on technology, innovation, and a go-go-go mentality. As a result, it’s easy to overlook the importance of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence has a massive impact on every aspect of our lives. From education spaces to our personal lives, having an understanding of emotional intelligence can strengthen your relationships, improve […]
STEAM Experiences Worth Building
Para español desplácese hacia abajo. We’re committed to giving our Elevate students more opportunities to explore, discover, and express themselves, so we have developed hands-on lessons that incorporate LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Essential Sets (Elementary) and LEGO® Education BricQ Motion Prime Sets (Middle School) as part of each week’s enrichment activities in our programs. In […]
The Intersection of Education and Mental Health
Education is one of the greatest indicators of what’s to come later in life, including income, social status, and employment. It is also a great indicator of overall mental wellness. The link between education and mental health is very complex, with each greatly impacting the other. Let’s explore how education influences mental health, and why […]
Kicking Things Off: The Importance of a Warm Welcome
Para español desplácese hacia abajo. At Elevo, everything we do is built around our Five Core Practices. From a Warm Welcome to an Optimistic Closure, Elevo coaches are trained in these practices, which support the development of the whole child and create safe and supportive learning environments. Our approach focuses on strengthening students’ physical, mental, […]
How We’re Tackling ELO-P, with Co-Founders Nick Telford & Chris Murphy
A new school year brings new beginnings for students, parents, and educators alike, and we’re ready to keep changing the game. We’ve sat down with our Founders, Nick Telford and Chris Murphy, to discuss the future of Expanded Learning Opportunity Programs (ELO-P) and what it means for Elevo. Going into the future, ELO-P brings a […]
Guidance That Sticks: How to Give Students Feedback They’ll Actually Use
As students learn and grow, they should always know how they’re doing. Feedback helps students to gauge their progress, figure out where they can improve, and ultimately achieve their goals. Yet, sometimes, giving feedback can be challenging. Every student has a different learning style, personality, and learning abilities, and some are more open to receiving […]
How to Stay Sane During Back to School, with Vice President of Operations, Megan Murphy
It’s no secret that Back to School season is the busiest time of the year for educators. We’ve sat down with our Vice President of Operations, Megan Murphy, to discuss her best strategies for keeping calm amongst the chaos. Is it just me or does it feel like the 2022-2023 school year just ended? The […]
Goal-Setting 101: How Students Can Set Goals for the New School Year
As the summer winds down, students are ready to head into the new academic year with fresh school supplies and a fresh mindset. This is the perfect time for them to reflect on past achievements and set new goals for the year ahead. In fact, students who set goals focus their efforts, remain disciplined, and […]
Surviving the Summer Slump
With its warm weather, sunny days, and a relaxing break from school, there’s a lot to appreciate about summer. Yet, learning and academic success might take a backseat for many students. Here’s how they can successfully navigate the summer slump and prepare for the next school year. What is the Summer Slump? The summer slump […]