We provide staffing and structured activities during lunch/recess or for PLC and Professional Development release time.
Lunch/Recess, PLC & PD Release Time
Emotional Intelligent Physical Activities
Customized Rotational Sports
Arts & Music Activities
Giving Time Back to Teachers
Safe & Structured Time for Students
SEL Skill Development
Mental & Physical Well-Being
The structured for a typical recess support program has the following format:
For almost two decades, Elevo has been helping districts address staffing and programming needs during the school day. We know the impact that structured play can have for students, and the value of providing time for teachers to engage in PLC and PD, as well as refocus and re-energize.
Elevo School Day features our Lunch/Recess and PLC/PD Release programming, both of which leverage our EQ (SEL-infused physical activities) and our Sport (Rotational Sports) curriculum modules to provide structured activities that engage students and support their physical and mental well-being.
The structure for a typical PLC/PD support program has the following format:
WASC-accredited our activities are informed by state standards in language arts, science, recreation, physical fitness, and prevention activities
Developmentally appropriate and tailored for different grade bands
Using a whole child framework and leverage the Science of Learning and Development (SoLD)
Infused with Elevo’s Core Practices (Warm Welcomes, Community Circles, Team Agreements, Supported Transitions, Optimistic Closures)
Designed to nurture a diverse group of students